A Hilarious Tale of Country Legends and Weed: “I’ll Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again”

About The Song

In the world of country music, Willie Nelson is known for his laid-back demeanor, his iconic red bandana, and his affinity for marijuana. But even the most seasoned stoners have their limits, as evidenced by the hilarious song “I’ll Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again,” a collaboration between Nelson, Toby Keith, and Scott Emerick.

Released in 2009, the song tells the true story of a young Scott Emerick’s first and last encounter with Willie Nelson’s infamous stash. The song is a comedic masterpiece, filled with witty lyrics, hilarious anecdotes, and a catchy melody that will have you laughing out loud.

Emerick, a rising star in the country music scene, was invited to join Nelson and Keith on their tour bus after a show. Eager to impress the legends, he accepted the offer, not knowing what he was in for. What followed was a night of wild debauchery, fueled by copious amounts of weed and whiskey.

The song chronicles Emerick’s harrowing experience, from the moment he first partook in Nelson’s “special brownies” to the aftermath, which involved a harrowing bus ride back to the hotel and a night of vomiting and paranoia.

The song is a testament to the enduring friendship between Nelson, Keith, and Emerick, and it’s a hilarious reminder that even the most seasoned veterans can get a little too high. If you’re looking for a good laugh, “I’ll Never Smoke Weed With Willie Again” is the perfect song for you.
